Let's be real, being an Influencer and entrepreneur may look cool but it can also be really stressful. Everything rides on you, even if you have a team, the vision is still yours.
You probably created your brand to free yourself from the 9-5 grind and spend more time with your friends and family but it's so easy to get bogged down and overwhelmed by how much there is to do. All. The. Time.
It's hard to get unstuck.
Not to mention, working from home can be pretty isolating. You realize that talking to the dog is the only time you spoke to another human today... and you haven't left the house in how long??
Get outside.
Meet a girlfriend for coffee. Go wander around Target. Take a long walk outside. Just do something that changes up your scenery. It's amazing how this will make you feel refreshed and recharged. Don't forget to do these things for yourself. After all, you're an Influencer so you can set your own schedule.
Finding community reminds you that you're not alone.
I am not as big on reading novels, but self-help and business books? Oh boy, you should see my Audible collection. Two books I would highly recommend are Grace Not Perfection by Emily Ley and Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist (affiliate links). Both of these women have an amazing talent to help you recognize the big picture purpose of life by telling you their own stories of struggling with the constant hustle. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Do you have either of these books? They're so helpful, I highly highly recommend them both!
Cure that overwhelm, girlfriend.
1. Get outside.
2. Find your community and connect in real life. You're not alone.
3. Remember that life is about bigger things than what's right in front of you.
Always cheering you on,
Creator of the Smarter Not Harder: 3-Day Workweeks for Millennial Entrepreneurs© Program
Owner + Founder, Kate Waldo + Co.
P.S. Curious how you can grow your 6-figure business while slashing your workweek in half? Click here to learn about the Smarter Not Harder© program!
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